The Eye of The World

The Eye of The World

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Adelia; Part 2

Adelia is a tree! Well, not really. But sometimes I feel as though she’s the reincarnation of one. In my previous post, I stated how she was just like the modern feminist who’s strong, reliable, and independent. Even now, several chapters later, I still feel as though she hasn’t changed at all.

Now, about the tree... Well, when you think about it, a tree is strong and capable. To me a tree symbolizes strength because no matter how much the rain may pour or how much the wind may blow, a tree can always remain standing. No matter what it goes through, a tree will usually still be deeply rooted into the ground. In a way, a tree symbolizes how Adelia is so firmly rooted. It shows how independent and strong she is.

Not only that, but it also depicts that weaker side of her. No matter how strong a tree is, without water or sunlight it will still die. Even though, it may be strong and can withstand any obstacle, in truth it is very dependent on something else. Just like Adelia. No mater how strong she think she is, in reality she is very dependent on the people around her. Even though she may want to deny it but just like a tree she can only remain firmly on the ground if there is water and sunlight. She needs other people to care for her. Either directly or indirectly, she needs people to look after her. She has people that she is dependent on.

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