The Eye of The World

The Eye of The World

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sir Leigh Teabing

Sir Leigh Teabing was the twist I never thought of. I had right from the beginning associated him with the good guys. He was that sweet old elderly man who acted like a grandfather figure for me. I still can’t believe that he ended up being the mastermind behind the whole thing. It’s rather unfeasible for me. I thought of him as one would think of as a friend’s grandfather. He was helpful, always giving Robert and Sophie advice. Always offering them help like when he had taken them to London in his plane even though he could have gotten arrested for helping a fugitive escape. And sometimes he would make a joke here and there, being that good old comic relief to a serious situation. Overall he was just an adorable old man. I felt feelings for him as I would for my own grandfather. He was just a lovable old (some what kooky) man.

And then BOOM. It hits me like a big fat red rubber ball when you accidently get stuck in a game of dodge ball. Somehow I never saw it coming. He ended up being evil. Well maybe not evil but the bad guy. Even after a few chapters that still haven’t registered in with me yet. I still see him as a sweet old elderly man whose obsession for the Holy Grail makes him do crazy things. I can make up excuses for him murdering people. Somehow I can justify his acts as his last wishes before he dies. But I know it’s wrong. Yet, I can’t help but not hate him. The feeling is very strange. It’s like you brain tells you to dislike that person but your heart is still unwillingly to accept that the person is actually truly bad. You still want to believe that it’s all a scam. And that the person is actually good. It’s like you’re in denial. And I truly was. I couldn’t accept the fact that he was bad because I wanted so much to believe that he was good. He had seemed so good! Even now I want to believe he is still good. That someone else is the true mastermind. I wonder why? Is it because I had so long before accepted him being good that now all of a sudden him being bad is just unthinkable? Or do I just love elderly people too much? (I always feel pity for them for some reason. I see them as adorable.)

Ergggg. It just irks me that he turns out to be bad. It was really a twist I never saw coming.

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