The Eye of The World

The Eye of The World

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Yahoos. The first thing that will always come to my mine is my email. But of course the ugly beast like creature that Gulliver despises comes a close second. Gulliver’s first run in with the Yahoos was after he was washed up (again!) on an unknown shore after his crew mutinied against him. Then at distant he sees a strange looking creature that has long hair, goat-like beards, and extremely sharps claws. Gulliver’s first impression of these creatures’ appearance is that it’s very unattractive and almost repulsive. He then tries to explore the island and wonders if there are any inhabitants of this one as well. But as he then encounters one of the unsightly creatures from before and proceeds to take out his sword and hit the animal. But as he manages to do so the creature let out a holler and a whole other group of them try to attack Gulliver although he does manages to hide him self. But then Gulliver is saved when the unknown beings scurry off at the sight of a horse. Clearly Gulliver’s first encounter of Yahoos was not a very pleasant one.
Yahoos in my opinion are only a more feral side of human beings. As Gulliver describes I always compare them with cavemen due to there unruly appearance and animalistic manners. For one instance when one of the Houyhnhnms had placed a piece of flesh in front on the Yahoos, they had nearly gone ballistic and tore at the bloody meat. Soon we can see that Gulliver’s wish be more like the Houyhnhnms cost him to hold much contempt for the Yahoos. He sees them as malevolent creatures that care for none but themselves. To him, they are just cowardly worthless beings.
I find that Gulliver’s views on the Yahoos are too harsh. The Houyhnhnms never gave the Yahoos a chance to change and they never made an attempt to help them learn any better so how can they hold such hatred for beings who are the way they are because that was the way they have always been? They do not really know any better than to behave the way they see other of their kind behave. And I can’t find a valid enough reason to just have such distain for a race that is to me almost like little toddlers. They can think for them selves but they repeat what the normally see. And just as I have enough ability to forgive small kids for their mistakes than why shouldn’t I be able to forgive the Yahoos for being so primitive? Yes, I will admit that I do feel some sense of almost arrogance over them because I’m more “advanced” but I can’t feel hatred as deep as Gulliver’s.

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