The Eye of The World

The Eye of The World

Friday, August 21, 2009

So.... this is my first blog so don't really expect anything out of it...its just gonna be some random drabbles about books i like and don't like. First of all i love Jane Austen works. I've only read two of her books but i'm in love with her already (I've read Sense and Sensability and Pride and Prejudice- twice!!). Her style of writing though at times may be hard to comprehend but nonetheless spectacular. Not only that but i'm also in love with her characters. Elizabeth Bennet to me is like a role model though i do somewhat find her a bit dogged since she had only allowed herself to see from what her first impressions shows and would not change her views on the matter until at the very end, well maybe not the very end but you get what i mean. And on Sense and Senseability I can' really say much about that since i read like 3 years ago but i do remember that i had so much trouble following the events but i still somehow manage to get through till the very last page. But i think by the time i finished all the events that took place just imediately flew out the window. i mean i think i loved it... though i realllllllly do love Pride and Prejudice.
Another books or actually series i like is the Wheel of Time series by James Jordan. It follows the adventure of Rand al'Thor who is the "Dragon Reborn" or the reincarnation of Lews Therin who was dubbed the "Dragon" (the guy also kind... of went insane and killed his whole family) Also in the book there are some women know as Aes Sedai who can "channel" the one power. It's kinda like magic but not... Also there aren't any male who can channel the one power since they had all gone insane like Lews Therin-- he could also "channel". Well so on Rand lives in a place called the "Two rivers". Well he his two friends, Perrin Aybara and Mat Cauthon, are then entangled with an Aes Sedai who was at the Two Rivers at that time, Moraine. Moraine was there to find the "dragon reborn" but she couldn't tell which of the three it was so she took all three of time out of the two rivers after telling them that their village would be attck by Trollocs again if they didn't leave after there was an attack by Trollocs. And the three guys with the Aes Sedai with her Warder (kind like a bodyguard but there is a special bond or link between a warder and an Aes Sedai), Lan Mandragon, and including a travelling gleeman (an enternainer?), Thom Merrilin, and Ewgene al'Vere, Rand's childhood sweetheart. They are later follow by Nynaeve al'Meara who was the Edmond Field's (a place near/in? Two Rivers) "wisdom". hehehhe this is a really starting to be a long drabble so i'm just gonna cut it short, i'm not even 1/5 of the way done and this is just the first book..
Basically they are then pursue by the Trollocs and they make it to a city called Baerlon and there they meet a girl named Min farshaw. The trio of guys gets these nightmares about a guy named Ba'alzamon. Then this is where they meet Nynaeve who tries to get them back but fails and in the end comes with them. After they leave the city they are again chased by trollocs and have to fight their way out and then they come into a place call Shadar Logoth. Rand and his friends explore the place and they meet a guy name Mordeth. The guy tried to kill them after he learns that they're travelling with an Aes Sedai. But then suddenly the trollocs and beings called myrddaal storm in and as continued bad luck the evil of Shadar Logoth makes its appearance and the whole group of Rand, Perrin, Mat, Moraine, and etc. gets separated from each other. Still a really long way to go.....
I'm gonna cut it short here. Theres like way too much to write and im no where near finish if im gonna have to continue. If you guys wanna know what's next just read the book either that or google it. The series is again called the wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and the whole thingy that i just babbled on and on about at the top there was in the first book which is called the Eye of the World. Hhehehehe My summary is like only about a third of the book so far i think or maybe not even that so just a little warning: Don't read it if you hate long series because the whole series is like 12 books although only 11 are out now but also each book is like 700+ pages which means its extremely loooooonnnnngggg. I only read till like the tenth book since I couldn't find the 11th one in my library. Ughh why does everything in there has to be so hard to find???!!! Whoops going of topic here. Well anyway the series is a great read especially if you're into fantasy and stuff like that. I know I loved it. I was Majorly obsessed with it for 5 months straight but then it cooled down a bit now since I haven't been able to find the 11th book. Darn Library!! Anyway be sure to check it out. I would've also shared some other books but my hands are seriously cramping here so i'm just gonna end it here. Sorry about the total randomness here and there and also about the ridiculously long post.

Bye bye.

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