The Eye of The World

The Eye of The World

Friday, April 30, 2010

Now I’m reading The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan. It follows the adventure of Rand al'Thor who is the "Dragon Reborn" or the reincarnation of Lews Therin who was dubbed the "Dragon" (the guy also kind... of went insane and killed his whole family) Also in the book there are some women know as Aes Sedai who can "channel" the one power. It's kinda like magic but not... Also there aren't any male who can channel the one power since they had all gone insane like Lews Therin-- he could also "channel". Well so on Rand lives in a place called the "Two rivers". Well he his two friends, Perrin Aybara and Mat Cauthon, are then entangled with an Aes Sedai who was at the Two Rivers at that time, Moraine. Moraine was there to find the "dragon reborn" but she couldn't tell which of the three it was so she took all three of time out of the two rivers after telling them that their village would be attck by Trollocs again if they didn't leave after there was an attack by Trollocs. And the three guys with the Aes Sedai with her Warder (kind like a bodyguard but there is a special bond or link between a warder and an Aes Sedai), Lan Mandragon, and including a travelling gleeman (an entertainer?), Thom Merrilin, and Ewgene al'Vere, Rand's childhood sweetheart. They are later follow by Nynaeve al'Meara who was the Edmond Field's (a place near/in? Two Rivers) "wisdom". hehehhe this is a really starting to be a long drabble so I'm just going to cut it short, I'm not even 1/5 of the way done and this is just the first book..

Basically they are then pursue by the Trollocs and they make it to a city called Baerlon and there they meet a girl named Min farshaw. The trio of guys gets these nightmares about a guy named Ba'alzamon. Then this is where they meet Nynaeve who tries to get them back but fails and in the end comes with them. After they leave the city they are again chased by trollocs and have to fight their way out and then they come into a place call Shadar Logoth. Rand and his friends explore the place and they meet a guy name Mordeth. The guy tried to kill them after he learns that they're travelling with an Aes Sedai. But then suddenly the trollocs and beings called myrddaal storm in and as continued bad luck the evil of Shadar Logoth makes its appearance and the whole group of Rand, Perrin, Mat, Moraine, and etc. gets separated from each other.

And I’m going to cut it short here. Although, it’s only been like a week but I have already read more than half the book. (Not really good for Goals...) But so far I’m in love with it! It’s probably one of the best books I have ever read and I know it’s definitely going to be my favorite.

Personally I love fantasy stories, and this book caters exactly to what I need. The plot is thrilling and wonderful. You never really know what’s going to happen next. It’s like one of those toys you get at Christmas and when you open the lid, it jumps right out at you. You knew something was going to jump. You definitely suspected it and yet you’re still surprise when it does because it hits you in the most unsuspecting way. This is why I love this plot. It’s not only refreshing a new from all the other books I’ve read but it has a certain charm to it. It’s funny in all the right places and it’s amazingly thought out in all the other. There’s that wittiness about it that makes me want to read more. It so addicting to read! I feel as though I’m going to implode any second if I don’t know what happens next (again, this has got to be unhealthy!).

Even now, as I’m typing I can’t wait to get back in my bed and curl up with a glass of hot chocolate and continue my adventure with Rand. I can’t wait for what’s to happen next!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ariana Franklin's Writing style

Ariana Franklin’s writing style is perhaps one of the best I have ever read. She is one of those talented authors who with the uncanny ability to compress tons of information and meaning into very few sentences and yet still be able to achieve the effect of conveying every single detail and even the simplest nuances of information. Not only that but her writing style, is easy to follow but not extremely simple as well. It’s like the feeling of floating down a brook. The current guides you along but sometimes you still need to propel yourself forward to get where you want to go. This is exactly what it felt like to read this novel of hers. At times, there were moments when the suspense kicks and the currents of information and words just flood you with details and meanings and yet it is so easy to decipher them all. However, there were parts where her style of writing becomes more complex and I needed to reread a couple of things here and there to get the complete picture. But it was worth it to be able to understand the beautiful world of Adelia’s in which Ariana Franklin weaves. Her plot flows through seamlessly and you can’t detect any loop holes at all. Its like gliding on silk, so soft and smooth and leaving you craving for another touch. Not only that, but Ariana Franklin has an amazing ability to create suspense even when you don’t realize. Nearly thee-fourths of the book was a built up to the climax and when it hits you, you suddenly get the moment of realization and go “Oh! I should have seen it coming!”. And yet you don’t. the plot is created in such a way that you know what’s going o happen but you really don’t because you keep on second guessing yourself and this in turns creates more suspense because you want to know whether or not you right in the beginning at all.

Overall, I’m absolutely in love with this book. The rich details are amazing. The plot is sewn together flawlessly. This has got to be one of the best novels, I have ever read!